Sunday, March 27, 2005

it wasn't my fault this time, God

even when i'm trying to do something good, the universe still manages to screw it up. today, being Easter Sunday, i thought i'd go for the Easter Service at church. and because i've been having a weird sleep pattern lately (going to bed at 6am and getting up at noon), i made it a point last night to be in bed by 1am. and so i was. got up this morning at (what i thought was) 10am, and when i turned on my computer i found that it was already 11 ! that's right, the clock sprung forward (heh) last night, while i was in bed. and so i missed church (again). oh, well. intent, right ? that'll save my soul.

had a pretty productive day, though. went for band practice, although that was a bust because we only got to play 3 songs before the guy who had to lock up the place had to leave. i managed to do some shopping, and i finally did my laundry today, after i found that i had no more clean underwear left. plus, i'm going away for four days starting tomorrow, sharing a room with girls i have yet to know, and i doubt that they'll be too supportive of me going commando over the week, or pulling the pantyliner stunt. yep, from Monday till Thursday i will be in Wales, at an Easter conference, in a little town in the valley. i highly doubt that Little Town will have internet access, so please pray that i will have the strength to overcome internet and e-mail deprivation, and that i will refrain from gnawing my hair in the boredom that i predict will ensue.

before i sign off for the month, here's wishing all of you (for whatever reason you're celebrating it; be it the resurrection of Jesus, or as an excuse to eat lots of Cadbury mini eggs) a :

happy Easter !

now playing : Sheila Majid's version of the P. Ramlee classic, Tunggu Sekejap

Thursday, March 24, 2005

just passing time

just been banished from the kitchen by LovelyFlatmate who is, as i've just found out (the hard & scary way), not-so-Lovely when she's cooking. she tends to get nervous and flustered when there are people in the kitchen while she cooks. i think it's because she puts questionable amounts of questionable ingredients into her cooking, and she's afraid that she's being Judged, but i have No problem with her questionable recipes because whatever she cooks always turns out really good. she gets uncomfortable anyway; she's probably afraid i'll aneuryse (as in get a brain aneurysm) in the kitchen from the shock of her recipes. so under her strict orders i abandoned my dishes in the sink ("I need the sink !!"). i thought she was kidding at first until i attempted to wash my cup again and got a "What did i tell you about the sink !! I need space to chop my spring onions !!" so then i thought i'd just have a bottle of Actimel and chat with her. but when i took a seat at the kitchen counter she said, rather loudly and firmly, "Can't you take that into your room or something ?! I'll call you when dinner's ready !" i have honestly never seen this side of her before. it's like the kitchen unleashes her inner-demon. so much for flatmate-bonding.

so here i am, banished to my room, writing up another post for this blog. i haven't been posting frequently at all, compared to the almost-everyday-updates i had going last month. i guess there hasn't been much going on that's bloggable. i Did, however, find quite a gem of a site this week. check this out. it's the confessional box where your priest is the Internet. everything's annonymous, and for every confession you make, you get to read someone else's.

i'm going to venture back into the kitchen again, just to see if dinner's ready yet. so wish me luck and if i don't come back, it's been nice knowing ya.

just finished reading : the Parker Grey Show by Kristen Buckley. it's the ChickLit that isn't. get it. you'll love it.

Monday, March 21, 2005

there was kissing, and there were frogs

here's a Weekend Recap.

Friday night was spent at Heart and Soul, where i attended an event organised by the uni's Oriental Society. didn't have much to drink (mostly because i didn't have much money) and was (proudly) sober. really. there was a whole lot of Chinese people, and (thankfully) a few not-so-Chinese people, one of whom was a guy called Craig, who was not so sober. although he refused to pimp McDonald's for me and left me alone at a table full of drunk football fans who thought i was French, he wasn't really all that bad. besides, he had the gum i liked.

Saturday night was galpal Bex's Birthday Bash in Manchester. i'd love to tell you all about Creepy RedBull Guy, The Australian, and how i gave my number to the wrong guy; but unfortunately i'm bound by a
"Whatever Happened in Manchester Stays in Manchester" pact that i made with the girls (although i think that pact serves to my benefit a lot more than it does the others). what i can tell you is that :
[1] deep subconscious needs were met
[2] he was not a drooly kisser
[3] apparently weed is now called "chicken"
[4] i'm glad there were no rose bushes around

side-note : does anyone know who Lulu / Lele / Layla / Lily Chen / Chieng / Chan from SSB is ? i can't seem to translate Australian very well when i'm dead drunk.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

the Gross Factor

i had the weirdest dream last night. it was (as most of my dreams are) long, complicated, and involved people i have never met before in my life. i'll spare you the long-winded details and skip right to the point : in my dream, i made out with a fictional dream friend. we were at a hospital; i had a broken leg (which i could still walk on, with a slight limp). my fictional dream friend was cute, smart, and funny. he waited patiently with me while i waited for the doctor. in true NHS style, we were at the hospital for Hours. we talked, he told funny jokes, and i laughed. and then we kissed. my fictional dream friend was a drooly kisser. he had so much saliva it dribbled down the sides of our mouths and i had to wipe his spit off my face.

and then i woke up this morning(ish) to find a comment by new-found fellow Liverpool blogger on one of my Flickr photos about kissing frogs !

it's a sign, i tell you.

in other unrelated news, today was a Beautiful day ! cloudy and gray, bits of sun peeking out through the clouds. and the temperature : oh-so-lovely warm ! Spring is finally here ! bring out the pink strappy sandals, pick a book out from your shelf and come join me in the park ! we'll act all preppy, reading Faust under the tree, and quoting Barthes and Derrida to each other.

now playing : Moving On Up (On the Right Side) by Beverley Knight, courtesy of Paul from my iTunes network

Sunday, March 13, 2005

a little interaction

not too long after i started this blog i installed a little stat counter that tells me how many people surf over to this little nook i've carved out for myself in the web. a couple of days ago the little stat counter announced to me that it had recorded 1000 visitors. a large percentage of those visitors are Blog Explosion surfers, so to them i say : Thank you for stopping by for the requisite 30seconds that it takes for you to acquire credits. and to those of you who found, in those 30seconds, something worth reading that you actually stayed a little bit longer to either post a comment, or to blogmark / blogroll me, or simply to read a little bit more, i am touched and grateful. as fellow bloggers you too, are probably as much a hits & comments ho' as i am, and you probably do the little jig of joy everytime you get a comment too. come on, admit it.

although having 1000 visitors in the lifetime of the blog so far is nothing compared to blog divas like the Fish or the Bird (both writers whom i admire greatly, and whom i think should quit their day-jobs and do this for a living) who probably have something like 3000 visitors daily; or the blog queen, who has readers staying up till 4am just to be one of the first 100 commenters on her page, i thought i'd still do a little something special in honour of the occasion. i thought i'd do a little Interview, and ask you readers / fellow bloggers some blog-related questions. (my own answers are below too) :

1. What made you start blogging ?
i actually started blogging in 2003. had a private online journal for a bit, then decided to go public because writing to a diary that actually responds is way cooler.

2. How many people that you know in Real Life know about and read your blog ?
that i know of, a grand total of 2. the first, Mel, is actually the reason for me starting this blog in the first place; although she probably thinks that this is the only post here. the second, fellow GangerBanger and ex-roommate Nadz, i decided deserved the honour of a peek into the Me That Is Hardly Seen because she endured the horrors of living with me and managed to come out of it intact (just about).

3. How important are hits and comments to you ?
i used to really get a kick out of seeing the numbers on my stat counter rise, but now it just feels like playing a game with cheats enabled because of Blog Explosion. so what really makes my day is getting comments and e.mails from readers. it's really something to know that all these little words actually get read by people other than me.

4. How personal are your posts ? or, if someone you knew found out about your blog, how much trouble would you be in ?
so far i've only blogged about me, and not so much the people that i know, so with the exception of this one post (which i've since removed), i wouldn't be in any trouble at all. probably due to the fact that i am a little bit paranoid that the moment i begin bitching about someone on the blog they may find it, read it, and do awful stuff to me.

5. Have you been to / would you attend a blogger meet-up ?
i have not come across any other bloggers in this city (Liverpool bloggers, fess up !) so no, i have not attended a blogger meet-up. and to be honest, i'm not entirely sure that i would, if one did come up.

well, that's it, folks ! either answer in the comments section (and make me do my jig), or post it on your own blog (but leave me a link in the comments page so i'll know where to find it). or, because the Blogger comments has been really fucky lately, you can send me an e.mail and i'll post your answers up.

now playing : Sex and the City Theme by Groove Armada from the Sex and the City Soundtrack

and in case i haven't already mentioned this : Blogger has been really annoying the fuck out of me lately

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

random nothings

random nothing #1 : i just had the most wonderful hot shower about 10minutes ago. i'm getting used to my water-heater and its attempts to boil me alive. also it's been really cold these days, and anything warm / hot / boiling is v much welcome. now my skin is red, my bones feel all soft and lazy. it's like a vodka buzz without the morning-after hangover.

random nothing #2 : i love iTunes. i live in student halls, and we're all hooked up to the same network thingy, which means that i get to share my music with other iTuners and they get to share theirs with me. my music collection has expanded greatly, thanks to Chaz and his 18+GB of tunes.

random nothing #3 : i recently ordered the soundtrack to Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (great must-see movie, btw) from amazon and when it arrived there was a little note in the corner of the CD sleeve that read "will not play on PC/MAC". i am annoyed as Hell because i don't own a CD player. damn copyright protection.

random nothing #4 : it's 4.52am. i can't sleep. again.

random nothing #5 : today i received something in the mail that i absolutely Love getting : that little red card from RoyalMail telling me that there's a package waiting for me in their RoyalMail package-place.

random nothing #6 : to all you fishes out there : today is International Woman's Day. go forth, be womanly, and prosper.

now playing : Like Someone In Love by Bjork from Debut

also... blogger is pissing me off. WYSInotWYG

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

when things don't go as planned

i had it all worked out. composed my blog-post in my head as i walked over to the room-where-the-water-heater-resides to turn on the water heater. i was going to shave my legs, have a nice warm shower, and then write about how lovely freshly-shaven legs feel, and what wonders a warm, relaxing shower brings. ten minutes later, i'm sitting in my bathroom shaving my legs, thinking about the levels of dexterity involved in such a task. thinking about how lovely my legs were going to feel. thinking about how long it's been since i last cut myself while shaving. well you know that thing they say about pride and falling ? and that other thing they say about jinxing a good thing ? well. i heard it before i realised it happened. the blade went "skrrrt" as it shaved off a 1.75x0.2cm patch of my skin. how much do i feel like a 14-year old who just started shaving her legs ? so then i step into the shower, and the water's deliciously warm. until... remember the patch of skin now washed down the sink ? well it left some nerve endings exposed when it got sliced off my leg and those nerve endings don't appreciate warm water as much as i do. ouch. not to worry, though, bc the hot water runs out. 5 minutes into my shower. 25 minutes of pre-planned bliss became 5 minutes of not-so-much-bliss followed by 10 minutes of fuck-the-water's-cold. and come on i just could not stay another 10 minutes. after my shower (a.k.a dousing self with ice water) i turned the heater way up. and put a plaster on my leg. the wound was bleeding so much i started to wonder whether i had also shaved off an artery or two. sure enough, 7 seconds later the plaster was soaked up completely. so now there are 3 plasters on my leg. plus, i had to clean up the bathroom after bleeding all over the bathroom floor. which was not exactly on my list of relaxing-things-to-do-this-evening. who knew so much blood could come out of such a small cut. thank you so much, Mr. Murphy.

although, the rest of my freshly-shaven legs do feel pretty damn good.

and also, i got Friendstered by CuteGuy from my studio.

so it wasn't all that bad.

now playing : Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia) by US3

an insomniac post

it's 2:46 and i can't sleep (thus today's post title). my brilliant plan was to not sleep the night before, so that tonight i'd be dead tired and dreaming of unlimited spending shopping sprees in London by midnight. well it half-worked. i am dead tired, but not in bed. and definitely not dreaming of unlimited spending shopping sprees. i am also hungry. my stomach rumbles for Indomee goreng with a fried egg, cheese, green peppers and lettuce. so off to the kitchen i shall go, and whip me up a plate of Indomee i shall do. of course this means that i won't be able to go to bed for the next 4 hours, for the Indomee to digest. right. tomorrow first thing i'm going to do is head over to Boots and get me some sleeping pills.

currently reading : The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath