Wednesday, April 06, 2005

feeling a lil' bit homesick

it was raining about 5 minutes ago. i sat here at my desk, watching the rain trickle down my window, feeling a bit frustrated. i thought about how mild and unexciting things seem here. how it doesn't even rain properly. i miss a good thunderstorm. i miss the way a heavy downpour smells. i miss hearing the crash of thunder, and the crack of lightning. and the sound of the wind. and how the rain beats down on the roof. how the windows rattle and the doors slam from the strong wind. and having to raise my voice to speak over all of that.

you know how they say that British people are really bland ? i think it's because of the weather. the weather here doesn't really make you feel like doing anything exciting. there are never extremes, just so-so days, so-so food, so-so buildings.

the grey clouds are just starting to part. it's still drizzling a little bit, but the sun's shining through, and the sky behind the clouds is the most gorgeous shade of blue. my room faces the docks, and the water's all shimmery. seagulls are flying past my window, and the city's got that fresh, clean, after-the-rain look.

as much as i miss the extremes of tropical weather, there are definitely things about England that i'm going to miss just as much.


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