Wednesday, August 16, 2006


i've been thinking, these past few hours, about English words that are made up entirely of consonants. like tryst. i can't think of any more, but it's slowly driving me insane.

i've been bored, these past few days. it's not so much not having anything to do; in fact, there are lots. i've just gotten so good at letting tomorrow take care of itself that i forget that tomorrows turn into todays, and then yesterdays, and then last weeks and months. i'm a self-sabotaging masochist. wait. is that redundant?

i've started doing yoga/pilates. in fact i'll call it yoglates. last night i was getting into position for downward-facing dog when my hands brushed against the carpet and then withdrew from it a clump of hair. i then spent the next 15 minutes plucking hair out of the carpet. when i was done, there were lots of hair in my wastepaper basket. so much that it is an almost-miracle that i am not bald. so i wonder, apart from walking around with a shower cap on, how do i keep my carpet hair-free? because vacuuming doesn't seem to work as effectively as getting on hands and knees and manually plucking hair out, which i don't particularly enjoy doing.

it's August. why is it already getting colder? the temperature's going down, the days are getting gloomier. summer just can't be over yet!

i have decided that my next camera purchase will be a polaroid: cheap, point-and-shoot, instant camera. besides it does have a raw almost Lomo-ish quality that i'm currently in like with. and also my less-than-stellar camera "skills" would be a waste on a bells-and-whistles model. plus, the way to develop photographic skills is to learn about and truly understand the qualities of light and exposure. and honestly, digital just spoils you as far as editing goes. because you can take a really shit photograph, then run it through Photoshop or some other photo-editing software and make it look like it was taken by Man Ray. oh who am i kidding - truth is i can't afford the Pentax istDL that i'm lusting for.


Blogger eatmisery said...

When there's all consonants in a word, but there's also a "y," the "y" is really considered a in why, rhythm, pry, and ply, etc.

I'm such an English teacher. Gah! Even when I'm not at work, I think about it!

Thu Aug 17, 06:15:00 pm  

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