Saturday, July 29, 2006

2:something in the a.m.

2:26am. i can't sleep, it seems. at 7:15 this evening i took two sleeping pills, which were supposed to send me into deep slumber by 9:00. obviously, as i'm sitting here, they have yet to take effect. i've watched The West Wing. watched the Big Brother eviction. watched Newsnight, then Newsnight Review (reading John Updike's latest novel, apparently, is akin to being "sexually assaulted... then made to drink drain water"). then Boys Don't Cry. then lay in bed and thought about Boys Don't Cry and hate crimes. got out of bed to IMDB Boys Don't Cry. found out that a lot of the movie was factually inaccurate. cared a little bit, but not really. checked my e-mails, message boards, latest headlines. hoping that the glare of the computer screen will make me sleepy.

i have a breakfast meeting in the morning. how much do i want to bet that i'll fall asleep in a plate of mushroom omelette?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I drink tea in the evening, I tend to have problems sleeping. I've not tried sleeping pills though..

Were you able to sleep? :)

Wed Aug 02, 01:27:00 am  
Blogger eatmisery said...

I missed reading your blogs while I was on vacation. I'm catching up right now!

Sun Aug 06, 07:31:00 pm  
Blogger nu. said...

suki: i did finally fall asleep at around 5... but thankfully the "breakfast" meeting was postponed to a lunch so i could sleep in!

eatmisery: not much to catch up on, unfortunately! :)

Mon Aug 07, 02:47:00 am  

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