Wednesday, March 01, 2006

let's do this!

daily post - a post everyday. i hereby pledge, starting today, the 1st of March, to put up one post every day, even when i have nothing interesting to write about, which shouldn't be too hard to do, right?

this morning, my radio alarm clock came on at 7.15. i lay in bed and listened to the weather - high of 5°C, possible snow or maybe some rain expected today. so far i've seen no evidence of either - the clouds in the sky are the white fluffy ones, and not the gray ominous ones. my second alarm clock (the one in my cell-phone) came on at 7.30. i turned it off. then, at 8.30, my third alarm clock (the CD player) came on. i lay in bed and listened to an hour of Herbie Hancock's Empyrean Isles. which was nice. it's nice to wake up to jazz in the morning. i eventually got out of bed at 11.22am, some 4 hours after the first alarm clock rang. which is not good at all, because what good is having three alarm clocks when none of them get me out of bed? anyway, i made breakfast (or lunch): a fried egg sandwich with Bovril (yum) and a cup of coffee, and 2cm of a Mars bar. i ate all of that while watching The West Wing, the one where CJ tries to stand an egg on its end on the Vernal Equinox.

i then called Zoey to confirm that i would be working this evening. then i sat down here and began my daily ritual of e-mail checking, e-mail replying, setting up appointments for tutorials, meetings, etc., blog-reading, and now, blog-writing. Counting Crows is playing in the background; it's a song called "Daylight Fading". it's not bad.

once i hit "publish post", i will then sit at my other desk and work on my presentation posters, because my next tutorial is this Friday at noon and i'll need to have some things to show Nick. so. that is my day so far. i hope the rest of it goes well, and i hope that i won't have to serve any beer tonight so that i won't break my nails opening beer cans. i hope the rest of your day goes well too! also, today is Ash Wednesday. i don't really know what that is, but i remember that back in school, on Ash Wednesday we would go to the Catholic Cathedral, where, at the end of the mass, the priest would draw a cross on your forehead with some wet ash. i think it's also the beginning of Lent. maybe this Lent i will give up DVD-watching. except for those DVDs that i just borrowed from Blockbuster last week. because i haven't seen Citizen Kane yet and it would be such a waste not watching a DVD that i'll be paying for, right? and, when i return the DVDs this Sunday, it would only make sense to pick up more for next week, since i will be there anyway, and it would be a waste of a trip if i were to just go there to drop off this week's movies. so maybe i will give up excessive DVD-watching. i'll just watch the regular amount. maybe just one in two days.


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