Tuesday, February 28, 2006

is it still winter?

i'm assuming that it still is, seeing that's it's only February, and it is still freezing cold. anyway, if it indeed is still winter, then today is a beautiful winter's day. the sky is blue... stark, pure blue, the kind of blue that makes the world look like a child's painting.

about a week and a half ago i was sick, and that was the reason that i posted nothing. i had a really bad cold, the kind that keeps you in bed for three days. so sick that i was only well enough to get out and buy medicine on the fourth day, and by then, i probably didn't really need it as much anymore. anyway i medicated myself with Night Nurse, which was once recommended to me by wise Nads. a miracle wonder-cure, it is. because once i took it i had the most peaceful sleep i'd had in a while.

last week my bestest Jules came over to stay. he made breakfast for me, and patted my back and said "aww you poor darling" when i coughed. we watched Team America and laughed at puppet sex. then we stayed up to watch Quizmania and tried to guess famous Davids. we "won" £8750, cos i guessed David Hyde Pierce and he guessed David Hasselhoff. i dragged him to the cinema and forced him to watch Good Night And Good Luck, thinking that he'd end up enjoying it. turned out he didn't, but he was willing to watch it anyway, even though i said we could do something else and i could see it once he'd left. i dragged him to Tabac because i'd been dying to have their toffee and banana sponge pudding, and he shared a bowl with me, but complained all the way that his face was getting fatter. walking him to the bus station on Friday, we made a bet on which one of us would be the first to sleep with a Jewish guy. we ended up cancelling it later, because how would you tell a Jewish guy from a non-Jewish guy unless you asked him and wouldn't that just be rude?

so i missed a week's worth of work because of my cold, and when i wanted to start working on Wednesday Jules came over and so work got postponed until he left, and then after that it was the weekend, and i didn't want to work over the weekend because god said to keep the Sabbath weekend holy and spend it lying on the couch watching DVDs, which brings us to this new week, when i will begin to work. although i didn't yesterday because. today is Pancake Day and i'm going over to Lauren's this evening to have proper pancakes (as opposed to British "pancakes" which are really just crépe-wannabe's). so this afternoon i will be working. working on storyboards which really should have been done last week.

so, Happy Pancake Day, everyone!


Blogger eatmisery said...

I hope you feel better now. Being sick is no way to pass the time. If I could, I'd give your cold to George Bush or Britney Spears. Heh...

Tue Feb 28, 11:24:00 pm  
Blogger nu. said...

hahaha that made me laugh! well i suppose i could mail each one of them some of my snot-filled tissues!

Wed Mar 01, 02:05:00 pm  

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