Saturday, December 24, 2005

because this is what i do at 5:30 in the morning

i got tagged with this meme by Suki, and since i like memes, here you go:

the rules
Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom spot.

1. Welcome to the Monkeyhouse
2. a little bliss
3. moonbatty
4. 23 Seconds to Circulate
5. deep intellectual philosophical ramblings

Then you select five people to pass the love on to.
Kaki Cucuk Langit
and whoever else wants to play... the more the merrier!

Now, on to the questions!

What were you doing ten years ago?
ten years ago i had just turned 14, probably on end-of-year holidays before starting Form 3 (year three of Secondary School). ten years ago today it would've been Christmas Eve, so i'm guessing that i was probably at church, falling asleep during midnight mass.

What were you doing one year ago?
a year ago i was with my parents and my sister in Prague, having Christmas Eve dinner at a Czech restaurant near Betramka, a house where Mozart stayed during his visits to Prague.

Five snacks you enjoy
cheese Doritos
Lucky Bin Bin rice crackers
a banana-Nutella-peanut butter-cheese sandwich
green apples (after all that junk-food you bet i'm adding fruit to this list)

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics
off my head right now:
the national anthem (yeah-huh!)
Caravan, Van Morrison (actually i don't know the lyrics as much as yell out the "na na na na na na na" bits)
that Counting Crows song that starts with "Mary-Ann, you're better than the world"
Breathe, Anna Nalick
my state anthem (okay, not totally... but i know the tune by heart)

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire
skip! skip with extreme joy
moan at all the bills that i'd still have to pay
complain about tax deductions
sew me a skirt made entirely of £5 notes
take sewing classes

Five bad habits
i am the queen of procrastination
and time-wasting
and impulse-shopping
and frivolous spending
and bull-crapping
i reign over much.

Five things you like doing
playing along with memes
lying on the couch watching DVDs
wrapping presents
writing novelistically-long e-mails to people who appreciate them

Five things you would never wear, buy, or get new again
like Suki, i too have a pair of shoes that i bought although they were too big for me, thinking i would grow into them
school uniform. hated them.
i once made the mistake of wearing an LFC shirt to Old Trafford. won't be doing that again. although i have to say, Manchester people were nice about it... no one threw rotten fruit at me or anything; just lots of dirty looks.
i'd like to add my pink sandals on this list, because when i did wear them that one time they left laceration marks on my feet that stayed on for months, but i think they're too pretty to be dissed.
i can't think of a fifth.

Five favorite toys
George, my guitar
Shelly, my iPod
my (nameless) camera
my computer
and of course, my PS2


Blogger eatmisery said...

I hope you have a great holiday!

Sat Dec 24, 03:36:00 pm  
Blogger kiezamy said...

hey there! Bloghopped and discovered the meme; had done it on my blog ;)

Tue Dec 27, 12:15:00 pm  

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