Friday, February 03, 2006

third time's a charm?

i started writing this post a few days ago, put my computer into "hibernate" and when i tried starting it up again today it wouldn't start, or at least it started to start, but was taking too long and i got impatient and pressed the "restart" button instead and when the computer finally started up i found that i had lost the post, because i didn't save it as draft. so, then i started writing it again, but then the computer cable got accidentally yanked out when i pulled the computer onto my lap, and i lost the post again, because i didn't save it as draft, which i will do now, in case i lose this one too. anyhow, this is the third time i'm composing this post and i sure hope i won't lose this one too.

i have been away for a bit. quite a bit, in fact. a month a bit. which is a pretty long time, but then again that depends on what you'd consider long. i think a month is a pretty long time. i started this journal about a year ago next week, and to be honest, with the way my hobbies have very short lives, i'm surprised this one has lasted a year. but then again i did stop posting for about a month there so who knows maybe it won't last another year? well it's not so much that i've been away away. as in, i haven't packed up and moved to Siberia or anything (and if i did, or were planning to, i'd let you know). in fact i've been right here, in this very same room, for some time now (not continuously of course; i do get out some). and it hasn't been that there hasn't been much happening either, in fact the past month has been quite eventful. maybe i'll blame it on the weather. because it has been cold lately; too cold to type because my fingers are frozen and the only reason i'm posting right now is because i left the heater on for the whole night last night and my room feels very much like Bali. so i'll just say "I'm back!" and leave it at that. okay? okay.

so i met Naz online the other day when i accidentally logged on to MSN Messenger (and by accidentally i mean my computer signed me on without me knowing it) and he mentioned that he had left me a meme to do on his site. well, not so much mentioned as ordered me to buat*! so, although this is the hardest meme i've done so far, (why didn't you ask me to list my 10 favourite movies instead?!) buat i shall. so the rules are pretty much straightforward: list 8 criteria i would like to see in my perfect partner. and here they are...

1. has good table manners
2. shares my dislike of Jim Carrey and grotesque humour
3. has jolly grandparents (or parents) who love hosting barbecues
4. doesn't have an obsession with football, badminton, cricket, rugby, soccer or basketball
5. doesn't have cold feet
6. or no teeth
7. or a horrible body odour
8. or really bad breath

hmm... that wasn't as hard as i thought. i'm not tagging anyone, but if you'd like to play, leave me a comment. till then, have a great weekend, everyone!



Blogger eatmisery said...

It's good to see you're back again! Don't be gone so long next time. You DO have fans, you know.

Sun Feb 05, 10:54:00 pm  
Blogger nu. said...

thanks, eatmisery. good to be back :)

Mon Feb 06, 01:15:00 pm  

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