Sunday, December 04, 2005

all that jazz

mmm... don't you just love that warm post-bath buzz?

i'm so broke it's not even funny. and i didn't even realise it until about five hours ago. suspecting my broke-ness, i've been avoiding checking my bank balance for weeks now. and this evening, i thought it's about time i find out how fucked i am, logged on to my bank website and saw that i have £93.18 in my current account. wait - scratch that. my only account. i wrote a cheque to the university for my fees last week - £104. and it hasn't been cashed in yet. and my bank balance is £93.18 - not even taking into account yet what i spent over the weekend. i saw this coming, so i made the "help me!" call to Dad last week. my pride told him that i would be okay for the next few weeks though, so my lifeline money won't be in for a while. i get paid this Friday, but it's an amount so meagre it won't even cover, well, anything.

i'm looking around my room now, picking out things to sell. skimming my bookshelves for novels i don't like enough to hold on to. my two printers - one i keep because i like the way it looks, the other because i need it. my extra PS2 memory card. maybe i'll finish my painting and try selling that. hah. when i moved in here i found a 17" Apple monitor and a microphone stand in the store room. time i find out what i can get for those.

tonight, though, i'm keeping all this at the back of my mind. i bought Chicago yesterday - along with Garden State, which i watched, and loved; it's like Catcher in the Rye (which i read, and loved, thanks to Nadz!), movie-style. so tonight i'm watching Chicago, with a big mug of coffee and a bowl of strawberry trifle.

tomorrow morning after unloading a whole load of shit at therapy i'll traipse through town with my resumé (which is basically a sign that says "Will work for anything resembling money"). somebody's bound to hire me eventually.


Blogger eatmisery said...

Ahhh...the bath buzz. It's enough to forget about money worries, until of course you step out of the tub, freezing your ass off, remembering that you left your towel on your bed. Duh.

Cheer up. It could always be worse. I mean, it's got to get better soon. It can't always stay bad.

Money only means something to those of us who don't have it. Rich motherfuckers can go to hell. They don't understand the term "breaking even."

Tue Dec 06, 11:19:00 pm  
Blogger nu. said...

suki: i never once doubted that you did... bathe, that is. :) and that budget thing never works on me! lol

eatmisery: thanks. you were right; it hasn't really been that bad at all. now i'm happy to say that it was just a rough patch, and i'm glad it's over.

Thu Dec 15, 12:40:00 am  

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