Thursday, May 05, 2005

don't i just hate it when...

i've been MSN-ing (on and off) with this guy who added me after reading my Friendster profile for a few months now. we MSN maybe once a month or so, but Every Time, i have to do the whole Introduction bit. he just can't seem to remember any facts about me, although he has crystal clear memory about what we've talked about in the past. and every time we chat, he finds some way to dig around for facts:
"What's your full name again? 'nu' is so abstract."
"Where does your mum live ? In Aussie too?" (em... hello. i live in England)
"I'm glad tomorrow's Friday. What about you? Working? Or still studying?" (haven't we been through this before?)

Hitch was great! Will Smith was good, the guy from that Queens sitcom (at least i think it's him) was good. it was smart, funny, and oh-so-true! dating has become so superficial (or has it always been?) everyone's always so conscious about what they're wearing, what they're saying, what to order, which 'laugh' to go with. everything's so scripted. anyway i enjoyed it. worth all the hyping. and after the movie was over (8-ish in the pm) it was still bright enough to go a-walking around in the city, a-snapping some photos. it felt a bit weird, because although it was still bright, the city was almost empty.

tonight : dinner with Darlina, whom i haven't seen in 2 weeks now. some catching-up, gossiping, and general chilling out to do.

now playing : Like Lovers Do by Heather Nova from the Serendipity soundtrack


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