Thursday, March 23, 2006

this shit is B-A-N-A-N-A-S

last Wednesday i had a review that was both good and bad. it was good because i found that everyone else is more or less as behind in progress as i am, and no one has a proper scheme yet. it was bad because with only one more review and seven weeks to go before the final review, being behind isn't such a good thing.

on Saturday i got pretty drunk and ended up rambling about poverty levels, the value of the Ringgit vs. the British Pound, and Malaysian history (which my high school History teacher, Miss Tan, would have been very proud of). the last time i was that drunk i was lucky enough to bump into an architect and ended up talking about Tschumi and Koolhaas (which is at least, a way cooler topic than history and economics). the time before that, it was a Poli Sci student, and i can't remember our conversation in much detail except that the IRA, Truman and Hitler were mentioned. so after this weekend i thought that the only thing i can do to stay away from such dry subjects when i'm unable to control what i'm talking about is to immerse myself in popular culture and i don't know, learn Guns n' Roses lyrics and Kylie dance steps, so the next time i'm drunk i can ramble about David Hasselhoff and the different stages involved in ceramic straightening.

this afternoon i stopped for lunch at the Tea House. the place was full and because i was sitting at a table with an extra chair, a nice man who looked like Christopher Lloyd joined me for lunch. turned out his name was Gary and after he'd eaten we started talking, and somehow the conversation veered from acupuncture and Chinese herbs to Darwinism and mind tricks. he left me with advice that he said i should remember for life: 1. omega-3 oil is good for you - eat a capsule every day; and 2. build your child's f-o-u-n-d-a-t-i-o-n right and they won't grow up wrong.

walking back home, i thought about what i'd want to be if i could be anything in the world, and i decided that i'd want to be a beatnik. i'd spend my time sitting in my local cafè (not Starbucks, cos corporation: BAD) sipping hot chocolate topped with schlagobers, smoking (self-grown) "tea" and reading dog-eared copies of Kerouac with my fellow beatnik friends. we'd discuss our inner selves and the evolutionary phases of Miles Davis. i don't know what i'd live on, though. maybe i'll start growing tomatoes and brocolli.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i never have anything intelligent to say when i'm drunk...:(

Mon Mar 27, 03:35:00 am  

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