Thursday, November 24, 2005

tra la la

the radio on my alarm clock came on this morning at 6... and for the first time in ever before, i didn't slap it off and sleep in for the next four hours. i didn't jump out of bed immediately either... instead, i leisured in the warm, cushy softness of the covers for the next one hour, while Ricky Whatever-his-name-is and the rest of the radio morning crew went about with the news, latest celebrity gossip, Will Young's new single (which, by the way, sucks donkey balls), and a few more songs i've forgotten. by 7, my second alarm clock rang (i have three in total). i turned it off, and finally got out of bed. out of bed, wide awake (well, kind of) and it was still hours away from noon!

after sending off an e-mail to Ben boasting about my accomplishment (i'd make sure it was in today's papers, if i could) off i went to the gym. yes, the gym. remember that? i haven't been in close to five weeks; when i walked through the door, i expected balloons and confetti to drop from the ceiling - the prodigal gym member was back! nothing, of course, dropped from the ceiling. in fact it was really quiet today, probably because it was almost 9 and everyone else was at work.

you know what i enjoy the most about going to the gym? the shower after. the shower-head sprays down water in jets that pound on my neck, it's like getting poked by little elves... in a soothing way. and that salty taste of sweat mixed with water that i get for the first 3 seconds... it says "Yeah, that was a good workout." bliss in a 3x3 cubicle.

after the gym i headed over to Toni's to drop something off for some friends she's visiting in Belfast this weekend, and decided that, instead of taking the bus home like my lazy ass usually does, i'd take advantage of today's good weather and walk back instead. so off i went, walking down Smithdown Road on a pleasant day, feeling very proud of the fact that i got up early today, and had already had, in half a day, what would normally be an entire day. productivity, baby.

you know that feeling when you're on top of the world, and although everything else is going shitty, for just that short moment, or even, god forbid, the entire day, you feel certain that nothing, short of hell's fire raining down on you, could spoil it? well, that's been me since 7 this morning. i don't know why, but for some reason, i feel like today's a good day. walking back home just now, i was enjoying the bright sun and the pleasant wind, watching little tornadoes of autumn leaves twisting away on the sidewalk, when, true to English weather, where it can be shiny the whole day then all of a sudden you're standing in the middle of the sidewalk, drenched with rain because you didn't think you'd need an umbrella, shouting "What the fuck?!" at the sky, it started pouring. and the wind got stronger. and the rain got harder. good thing i had an umbrella. it was a tiny umbrella though, so for the next ten minutes the wind and i were having a good struggle for my umbrella. finally, when i reached my street, i let the wind win, and closed the umbrella, braving the rain for the final 50 metres. now my jeans are drying in front of the heater, my hair is still damp from the rain (there goes this morning's shower... there's simply no point blow-drying hair in this country), i'm about to have my lunch, and not feel guilty about it... this day can only get better.

i hope to God.


Blogger eatmisery said...

I'd take getting caught in the wind and rain any day. I just changed a nasty poopy diaper, so I'd much rather be caught in a storm, naturally.

Sun Nov 27, 05:00:00 pm  
Blogger Heather B. said...

I feel completely the same. There are days when you just feel good even if there is crap going on around you, you feel like you could totally handle it. It's nice.

Mon Nov 28, 06:01:00 pm  
Blogger nu. said...

eatmisery : i haven't had much experience with nasty poopy diapers, but i think i'd probably choose wind and rain over them too! :)

heather b. : don't you wish everyday could be like that?

Tue Nov 29, 01:22:00 am  

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