Saturday, October 08, 2005

did you notice i was gone?

whether you did or not, i'm back! does slightly more than a week count as an absence? i don't know. i guess it does. before anything, hop over to Kaki Cucuk Langit's and check this out. it's too cute for words! trust me.

so i was away for a week-ish. my aunt came over from Singapore last week for a conference, and since she was in the neighbourhood she decided to pop by Liverpool and pay me a visit. and then she begged (begged!!) me to follow her on her trip around the UK so i could play tour-guide. she'd made plans to go to Yorkshire, and then to London, where my grand-aunt lives (a large extended family, i have). nevermind that i'd never even been to Yorkshire in my entire life, nor heard of the tiny little village she was supposed to go to, her rationale was that at least she'd have company to get lost with. so off i went, with my missionary aunt on her mission trips. oh did i mention that my aunt's a missionary? she left a cushy job which paid cushy sums of money to work for God for not so much money. something that i think i would never be able to do. cos i just love cushiness too much. so we went, with no trouble at all (cos i'm such a great tour-guide, or really good at faking confidence) to Yorkshire, where we spent a weekend with my aunt's missionary friends. they took us to a little village church, with a congregation of about 30, 95% of whom were elderly ladies. it was a nice atmosphere - the church, being as small as it was, treated one another like family. very intimate-like. the old ladies were very nice and friendly, and all looked like they could whip up a lovely hot batch of butterscotch cookies, but man i was glad to be back in civilisation after. we went to London next, where i at least knew how to get around, and didn't have to fake it so much. the weather was good, except for the last day, when it was really foggy. but then that's true blue London weather so at least she got to experience it, no?

all in all i enjoyed my impromptu break, but i have to admit, the second day into it i couldn't wait for my aunt to leave already! she's cool, but she nags like an aunt. so. i'm glad to be back in my "space". and shop as much as i want. and leave my clothes where i want. and not make my bed. although i do. and eat lots of sweets. and take cabs. and spend money sans guilt.

so what have i missed?


Blogger eatmisery said...

I bet once your aunt leaves, you're going to dance around naked and throw your clothes all over the floor. Have fun doing it!

Mon Oct 10, 02:57:00 pm  
Blogger nu. said...

you bet!!

Tue Oct 11, 12:26:00 pm  

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