Tuesday, August 30, 2005

waiting for Wednesday

first of all, i'm sleepy. just a little bit.

tomorrow i'm going for an interview. that's what the 11am is. it's an interview, or shall i say, session, that i've been meaning to go for, for a long time, but kept putting off. so tomorrow. things sound hazy, i know, as intended, simply because i'm not sure how much i want to reveal about it just yet. somehow i'm not as excited about it right now as i was a week ago. so we'll see how that goes, shall we?

also, i can feel breakfast making a slight comeback in the back of my throat. must be all the coffee i've been breathing. oh, and the no sleep. that might have something to do with it.

oh, and i just heard about the hurricane over in the States. i've never been to New Orleans, but it's always been on my list of American Cities I Have To See, right there along with New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago (for the Mies) and Washington, D.C. and New Orleans for the jazz, in case you were wondering. so here's some warm wishes for all the New Orleans-ers, if there ever are any who happen to happen upon this site.

how is it possible, that i've only just discovered the gem that is Six Feet Under? Channel 4 have been showing it over the past few weeks, sometimes twice in one night. i think it's the season before the final season that just wrapped up in the States (we're slow here, in the UK of GB. with television programs, among other things.) anyway i was just starting to really get into it, but the last ep was last night! and they're showing the next season on cable, which i don't have. hell, i don't even have a TV license, which means i'm watching all my non-cable channels for free. but don't tell the TV license people!

and lastly, but definitely not leastly, Happy Birthday Malaysia!


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