Tuesday, September 13, 2005

a post about the weather, and food.

the weather is odd today, as it is, every day. earlier this morning it was grey and breezy, but comfortably warm. and the air was damp, just so. it was nice. now the sun is out, way out. it's really bright. not so nice. makes me regret bringing my denim jacket out. don't you just hate carrying around a jacket that you brought out for nothing? i hope the sun goes back in before i leave. "back! back!" i prod, with my telepathic sun-prodder.

the contents of my fridge are as follows :
1. vanilla ice cream that tastes really weird because it's been melted and frozen, melted and frozen, over and over again. time to throw it out.
2. a bottle of Actimel, mixed fruits flavour, that expired a month ago but still kind of tastes kind of okay.
3. a pack of vanilla vodka shooters that i bought 2 months ago but haven't found the occasion to drink yet. wait, who am i kidding? does one need an occasion to down vanilla vodka shooters? one thinks not.
4. a tub of raspberry-wholegrain Onken yoghurt. oh by the way, have i told you yet that Onken is the best yoghurt ever made? well. Onken is the best yoghurt ever made. my tub of Onken expired 2 weeks ago, but it's still unopened, so i think it might still taste okay.
5. a packet of soya milk that expires in a year (yay!)
6. assorted sauces.
7. a head of broccoli, frozen.
8. a packet of green, yellow and red peppers, frozen.
9. a packet of okra, frozen.

my fridge, meat-eating carnivore that it is, detests vegetables and is hell-bent on turning me into the meat-lover that it too is, by freezing all my vegetables, leaving me unable to consume them.

and i need to do some serious grocery shopping soon.


Blogger eatmisery said...

The contents of my fridge scare me.

Wed Sept 14, 10:19:00 pm  

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