Saturday, February 12, 2005

how to become Joyful

Last Sunday at church Jenny spoke about Celebration, and how we should always find a reason to celebrate and be happy about life, no matter how sad and depressing we think it is. she gave 7 steps towards achieving a joyful life and although i sat there thinking 'what a bunch of assbupp cheesism' i shall give it the benefit of the doubt and now put Step One (practice gratitude) into practice. and so here is a list of 5 Things That I Am Grateful For :

[1] the beautiful day outside; the sky is cloudy grey and it looks like it may rain soon.
[2] my long restful night of sleep.
[3] i have lots of fruits. so i shall not go hungry for a long time. unless they rot out on me.
[4] i have lots of coffee.
[5] the little white choc toblerone that Julia gave me last night, which i shall later eat with my coffee.

so did that make my day ? not really. honestly, it took me a while to think of 5 things that i could be thankful about. mostly because i kept thinking about the Things That Piss Me Off. but then, when i read about things like this, or this, it helps put things in perspective, and then i realise that maybe my life isn't as sad and depressing as i think it is. so here's to me learning to give assbupping cheesiness a chance, and appreciating the little things in life that i love.

today's quote : "We are here on Earth to do good to others. What the others are here for, i do not know." --- WH Auden
now playing : Sade's Cherish The Day from The Best of Sade


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