Friday, February 11, 2005

a rose by any other

So I was surfing through some blogs today on, and it occurred to me that out of the gazillions of blogs out there, every one has its own unique name. now i know what you're thinking : 'what a stupid thing to say; blogger won't let you call your blogsite something that someone else already has' but it's something to wonder about. i haven't come across any two (or more) blogs that have a similar blog name. and there are lots of interesting blog names out there, for example...


Actually :rewind - erase previous statement: ... just as i was going to go off and look for some cool blog names that i could show you i found this : daily ramblings, which hey, sounds kind of like mine (deep intellectual philosophical ramblings) fine, so 'ramblings' is a common word, especially when a blog is really just a place for us self-indulgent narcissists to enlighten the rest of the online community with our thoughts on life, politics, world affairs, i.e. wax philosophic (or not) about things that other people probably don't care about anyway, like what i had for lunch. or, if no one ever visits your(my) site then you're(i'm) just rambling away to your(my)self; in which case this little nook in cyberspace becomes my very own personal narcissus' pool.

Anyways today was another total and complete bust, as far as work progress is concerned, thanks to my royal duties as Queen of Procrastination. well, i have the books opened, sketchbook ready and pen poised for action. as soon as i come back from my coffee break i shall definitely get some work done. sure.

today's quote : "something sufficiently toad-like squats in me too" --- Philip Larkin
now playing : Dvorak's Symphony No.9 "From The New World"


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