Wednesday, July 13, 2005

the second meme

Nadz tagged me with this meme, which i shall try to answer as fast as i can, before the battery in my laptop gives out.

i think about myself a lot. i'm obsessed with me. how do i look? what do i feel? what am i like? what do other people think of me? and yet, when asked to describe myself, i'm at a blank. what to say? some people have told me (or wrote in my Friendster testimonial) that i'm calm when faced with any situation and i never panic. i guess i could say that's true. i am unnaturally calm, even in the most dire situations, but i think that that's probably because i'm not a very expressive person either. i internalise a lot of my feelings, especially negative ones. that's probably self-detrimental but that's the only way i know how to get through things. my mum finds it incredibly frustrating to try to figure me out and usually concludes that i just go through life in an irritatingly blasé manner. oh well, when i start therapy, which i undoubtedly need, i'll let you know what my therapist thinks, m'kay? i do know this, though... i'm built with lots and lots of layers, and most of the time i assume that nobody "knows the real me", but then someone comes and says something and i go "well how did you know that i'd do/say/think that?" and i'm pleasantly surprised... most times.

yesterday someone i know told me that i struck her as someone who "adapts well to change". which, i have to admit, is true. the only thing i hate about moving is the packing / unpacking. the settling has always been easy. whether that's because i am wise, or because of my "go with the flow" nature, i don't know. but hey, i'm in the mood for some self-praise so wise i am.

oh, so many. so very many. but mostly little things. some of them little things that accumulate to become a big thing that affect my life in a big way. like that packet of Doritos i had this morning watching Trisha, or going to bed early last night instead of working. or not getting up early enough. or those days that i missed gym. healthy regrets, but unhealthy, in that all i can do is reflect on them. reflect, promise to change, then don't.

small. just me, my baby sister, mum and dad. we never were big on family gatherings, so i don't know my cousins as well as i'd like (not) to. also my mum's half of the family lives all around the world, so i have cousins whom i've only seen once, or not at all. being just the four of us, you'd think that we're all close-knit and everything, and that sometimes is the case, but not always. they're, what, 6000 miles? away from me now, and i do miss them, but probably not as much as i should.

i love the movies. love love love them. to list all the movies i enjoy watching would take forever, and my "battery low" warnings are starting to flash so i'll leave that list for another day. one thing i do enjoy, though, is going to the movies, alone. some people think it's weird, but i like running off to the cinema whenever i feel like it, stopping on the way at Starbucks for an iced peppermint mocha (my must-have cinema snack), and enjoying the movie all on my own. and i especially love it when it's a weekday, and i have the entire cinema (almost) all to myself.

i'll save the endless ramble i have on this for another day.

sadly, they come and go. but i guess that's life. you just roll with the punches, go with the flow, take them as they come. and trust. no. one.

my profession requires me to have an "active imagination" and be "deadly creative", so i hope i have lots and lots and lots of ideas to come yet!

and now, because the library's closing in 25 minutes, and i have no idea how much longer my battery can last (but i'm guessing it's not long) i'll end this post by saying, CONGRATULATIONS to Miss Nadz on her up-coming engagement! i hope everything goes well, not only with the ceremony, but everything else too! i WILL be at your wedding, even if i have to sell all my clothes to buy me a plane ticket!!

oh, and i will now tag Everyone with this meme. don't be shy, now, you know how juicy these memes are! just leave your link in my box. my comment box.


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