Tuesday, May 24, 2005

hardly a hiatus

i haven't been the frequent blogger, have i? i've been around, though, reading other blogs, leaving comments, responding to comments left on mine, checking my stat counter ever-so-often (it's a sickness). anyway to those of you who've been checking in, i'd just like to say Thank You for stopping by, and I'm Sorry that there wasn't anything new to read. i have lots of excuses for not updating : i had a really busy, and tiring, weekend. but i think mainly, i haven't been updating because i didn't really feel like it. not that there was nothing to write about, i think that lots of things are going on that are worth more than a few words, but i think there was just this whole "i don't quite know how to put it" thing going on, that whenever i logged on to Blogger, i just thought "you know what? not now" and, well, went to bed.

but enough of that now, on to my weekend recap. Friday night, i got kitted out in a schoolgirl outfit (complete with fishnet stockings!) along with Supergirl, Captain Jack Sparrow, Princess Leia, a mafia kingpin, and a cowgirl. we went to around 20+ pubs in the city, collecting donations for Becky's charity trek. it was a really good night - people were generous (and drunk), and we ended it with dancing here. by the time i got home it was 3.30am, but couldn't risk sleeping because i was afraid that i wouldn't be able to get up for work at 7. oh, i should add here, that recent purchases of indulgence forced me to the Workbank, asking if they had any vacancies for any jobs that would pay any sums of money. so this weekend i worked two shifts : 7am-5pm on Saturday, and 12md-7am on Sunday/Monday, which will just about cover the costs. of course the odd hours did nothing to help my already messed up sleeping pattern, and no sleep (and too much drinking) on Friday night meant that i was cranky and hungover at work on Saturday morning.

Monday was spent catching up on sleep, and then, late in the evening, i headed over to Lauren's, and joined my cell, painting Lauren's nursery for her soon-to-come baby girl. i managed to get paint almost all over me and my clothes, and Lauren's cat (who now has very attractive green highlights in his all-black fur), and well, not much on the walls. that's what you get when you leave me with edge detail, and a big, sloppy brush! Tuesday morning (actually, 9 hours from now) is my first session at the gym i just signed up at. thought that some exercise might help with my sleeping problems, and the great thing about gyms and trainers is that they draw up sessions for you to be at, and they hassle you when you don't come, which is perfect for the lazy butt that i have. anyway, hope it goes well. the last time i was at a gym was, i think, last summer!

now playing : Candy Everybody Wants by 10,000 Maniacs from their MTV Unplugged album


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